Start being sostenible with Moving Towards Zero!
A campaign to promote waste reduction, local commerce and climate education through new technologies and inclusive gamification.
They have trusted us:
How does it work?
Together we create the sustainable challenges and choose the prizes for the participants
We develop the right communication campaign for you
We measure the amount of waste that has been avoided thanks to the actions of the participants
How can I participate?
Through the Go Zero Waste app and digital gamification
An option for the less technological through a booklet of challenges and points
Various face-to-face workshops or cleanings in nature
What are our goals?
Promote a change of habits
Through climate education we promote sustainable habits in people
SDG 11 | Cities and
sustainable communities
Promotion of the local trade
We promote conscious consumption and local commerce
SDG 12 | Production and
responsible consumption
Generate environmental awareness
We show the environmental impact of our actions and purchase decisions
SDG 13 | Climate action
Do you want to launch a campaign?
We have been featured in:
Frequently asked questions
Moving Towards Zero! is a campaign concept that seeks to promote waste reduction and local commerce through challenges.
Each campaign has personalized challenges co-created with the client and is accompanied by communicative actions and prizes for the participants.
The intention is to work on the acquisition of sustainable habits in an enjoyable and fun way while taking stock of the impact of our actions.
Campaigns are designed for different types of customers:
· Companies
· Town councils
· Educational centers
· Events
In each case, we co-create the details of the campaign with the client and make it available to the participants, whether they are company employees, residents of a town, students or attendees at an event.
Each campaign has a fixed price depending on the duration, number of challenges and activities to be included.
If you are interested in learning more about our campaigns, write to or call +34 635 42 51 28.
You can also contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.
Com a part de les campanyes oferim tota mena d’activitats adaptades a cada client i sempre relacionades amb els reptes que plantegem.
Exemples d’activitats són: tallers de cuina d’aprofitament, xerrades sobre residu zero, neteges d’espais naturals o fires d’intercanvi.
En cada cas intentem organitzar les activitats juntament amb col·laboradors locals.
Els premis s’adapten a cada campanya i pressupost.
Intentem que sempre siguin coherents amb els reptes pel que solem oferir vals de descompte pel comerç local, kits residu zero o entrades per a oci i cultura del poble o ciutat on es desenvolupi la campanya.
All the challenges we propose are related to waste reduction, sustainable habits and local shopping.
Thus, we can propose simple actions such as changing a product of daily use for a more sustainable option or inviting you to participate in an activity to learn something new, such as a cooking or composting workshop.
If you are interested in learning more about our campaigns, write to or call +34 635 42 51 28.
You can also contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.